Is this an issue with all men or just my husband? He has a really hard time paying attention to detail.
Honey - do we have any waterchestnuts? Yeah, I say, in the cupboard. I don't see them he says. I huff and puff and climb onto my step stool to check for him and they're right in front of all the other cans in plain view.
This is something that goes on pretty much daily since I've known my dear sweet husband.
It doesn't really bother me that much. In fact it can be downright amusing at times.
For example. I brought home new toothbrushes the other day. There wasn't a huge color selection for the ones I wanted so I bought one pink and one green one. I assume that the choice over who gets which is obvious but if you're not paying attention to details then I guess it isn't. All I can say is that Chris now brushes with a bright pink toothbrush.
Its a funny reminder of this quality of his everyday when I brush.
Honey - do we have any waterchestnuts? Yeah, I say, in the cupboard. I don't see them he says. I huff and puff and climb onto my step stool to check for him and they're right in front of all the other cans in plain view.
This is something that goes on pretty much daily since I've known my dear sweet husband.
It doesn't really bother me that much. In fact it can be downright amusing at times.
For example. I brought home new toothbrushes the other day. There wasn't a huge color selection for the ones I wanted so I bought one pink and one green one. I assume that the choice over who gets which is obvious but if you're not paying attention to details then I guess it isn't. All I can say is that Chris now brushes with a bright pink toothbrush.
Its a funny reminder of this quality of his everyday when I brush.
I'm pretty sure that's a standard male thing. Sunday at my house:
DH: where's Anthony's bat.
me: on the floor by the coffee table.
DH: *looking on floor at coffee table* Where???
me: on the floor (laughing inside watching him look)
DH: I can't find it!
me: look behind the table on the floor
DH: OH! You didn't say it was BEHIND the table.
Sometimes, just to have fun with him, I be as general as possible just so I can laugh when he gets frustrated when he can't find it =)
Keep up the good work
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