Thursday, January 12, 2006
Okay, so its a new year
and you know what that means - RESOLUTIONS.

This year my resolutions are as usual, lose weight and take better care of myself, oh and be nicer to people. ha!

So far so good on these resolutions. I've made appointments for the dentist and the eye doctor and actually went. I've been kicking my butt in gear to take better care of my teeth since they're the only ones I've got and I think I'm going to need them for a while. I've been flossing everyday since mid-December. I can tell its making a difference and so could my dentist. I go back in May and I really hope that they see even more improvement.

The other big change is diet. I started the South Beach diet yet again. The first phase sucks donkey balls but its okay because its only two weeks. The second phase isn't so bad, its so close to the way I like to eat on a day to day basis anyway that it doesn't feel like I'm sacraficing that much. I started on Monday and so far so good. I've lost 4 lbs. That does include some cheating because I also started my period on Monday and what woman can not have chocolate during this crisis? I haven't even exercised yet, but I plan on starting that tonight to give myself an added boost.

I really hope this is my year to finally be happy with myself and my body.


Blogger Tiffany said...

Awesome!! Can you send some of that motivation my way?

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