Sunday, February 18, 2007
Could this be nesting?
This morning I was having contractions five minutes apart for 40 straight minutes. Then suddenly they just stopped. Then about 40 minutes later they started again, five minutes apart for 30 minutes. I was starting to get a little excited. Now, I kept telling myself this can't be it really though. I'm only 34 weeks, its way too early for this to be real labor. Still, it was very exciting because I never experienced this with my first pregnancy.

I experienced a lot of things with my first pregnancy that haven't or have hardly reared their ugly heads this time. No swelling, no high blood pressure, some RLS but not like last time, a few charlie horses but not like last time, and no feet in the rib cage pressure all the live long day. This pregnancy has been pretty great by comparison.

Anyway, tangent over. Yesterday I was mad crazy to get the babies room all set up and that is done. Today I got it in my head that I had to take out all the clothes my son has ever worn that I've been storing in bins and organize them by size just so that I can put them back in bins, this time neatly, and labeled so I will have an easy time finding what I need in the coming months. Am I driven to do this because of the contractions this morning or could it be nesting?


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