Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Oh yeah, I have a blog
I've been thinking for the past couple of days that I should update my blog. The problem is, there isn't much to tell you.

Aiden is being a handful lately. I think its the age. I have to say this is my least favorite age so far. I'd like to go away and come back when he is over this headstrong, willpower, fight, whine, cry, pout stage. Sadly I don't think this stage goes away until he becomes and adult and maybe not even then.

I've been selling off some things on ebay. Whatever I can do to bring in some income, I should. Unfortunately I seem to be bumbling up my first sales. I thought I could receive money through my paypal, because I have before. But two of the auction winners said that they received messages that their payments couldn't go through. So I've asked them to check the e-mail account and such. Still didn't work. Then I figured I'd better upgrade to a premier account. I've sent them new invoices and waived the shipping costs. I'm afraid I'm going to lose money on these ones. It sucks too because they would have been good prices with the shipping. Hopefully they're not too harsh on their feedback. I'm going to wrap up the items really nicely and ship them off today with a thank you note. Maybe that will excuse my dumbassness.


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