Friday, June 09, 2006
2 posts - post #1
Would this bother you?

My husband got an e-mail late last night from my mother in-law. She's really a nice person and usually I have no qualms but this e-mail really annoyed the crap out of me. She asked him to come with her tomorrow to pick up her sisters in Maine. That is an 8 hour drive one way. She plans to leave early in the morning and they'll be back very late in the night. She wants to know as soon as possible if he's going.

The thing that bugs me is that she even asked. WTF? He's got a lot going on at home right now. My family is having problems and he's kind of the support person in the situation. Plus, we've got a 14 month old little boy who thrives on every moment he gets to spend with his daddy. He is truly a daddies boy. How can you deny them their time together? Plus, I'm trying to get out there and find a job which is hard when you've got a toddler in tow. My only time to do it is on the weekend which would be shortened to only Sunday. My husband will be exhausted from the trip and I'll get to spend hardly any time with them if I'm out job hunting.

The part that gets me the most is he is a family oriented guy. There is no way he'll say no if he's asked. Part of that is a good upbringing which I think is wonderful. I'm probably being selfish here. You can tell me. Am I?


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